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Olio #18: Saved to Pocket Recently #1

Looking through my 1000+ articles saved to Pocket, I've amassed quite the collection of disparate things to read. I'll be sharing them with you on a semi-regular basis.
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Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day has its definite history, but what does this holiday signify in your life?
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Olio #17: Create Your Own Emotional Toolbox

If you're like many of us and sometimes need reminders to take care of yourself, especially mentally and emotionally, you might benefit from creating your own Emotional Toolbox.
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Taking a Short Break

I've been under the weather for the past week, and am taking a break from blog posts this week. Thanks for understanding!
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Things to Love #16: ‘A Pattern Language’: The Language of Spaces

Have you ever read a book that was written in an odd way but just made complete sense to you? Like you truly knew the contents and meaning all along but couldn't put it into words? Like your feelings and reactions had previously figured it out, but your brain hadn't translated it to a point where you could express it to others? 'A Pattern Language' is such a book for me.
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I’ve Got Moxie #16: 7 Lessons from ‘Lark Rise to Candleford’

[Spoiler alert! This post will have spoilers from the show.] Rory and I recently finished watching the BBC series Lark Rise to Candleford. It had been on my "to watch" list for years, but I waited to suggest it to Rory until we were in need of another good series to watch. I don't know how I keep getting him to agree to watch British corset dramas, but I just hope my luck there holds.
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Bristol Box #14: For Those Who Like the 1960s ‘Batman’ TV Show

For some people of my generation, and the generation that came before mine (along with some people who just like campy television), the 'Batman' show from the 1960s was the height of superhero television. We never took it too seriously, but enjoyed the humor, both intentional and unintentional. So, if you, like me, are still a fan, this week's Bristol Box will be one you can't miss.
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Olio #16: Cornell Notes

What the heck is the Cornell Note-taking System? And where was it all the years I was going to school, taking so many disorganized notes?
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Olio #15: 10 Things to Love About Working at Home

Though there are some drawbacks to working at home (work/life balance? clocking out? foreign concepts), by far, the good outweighs the bad. Here are ten good reasons to work at home.