All posts by Jenny Bristol

Creator with words, lines, photography, fabric, yarn, memories, and love. And cats.
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The Bristol Family Eclipse Experience (Plus Colorado)

My family just got back from a week+ trip to see Monday’s total solar eclipse. Since we had to drive so far (Arizona to Wyoming), and you never know if Mother Nature will cooperate, we wanted to see some people and places along the way. Then, if for some reason the eclipse was a bust,...Read More
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Spoonflower’s 12 Days of Design: Day #9: Discover Repeats

Another short day today! You may have played with it some when you uploaded your artwork yesterday, as I did. But today is about choosing repeats for your design. The ones on the Spoonflower site are Basic, Half Drop, Half Brick, Center, and Mirror. Depending on your design, one or more might work better than...Read More