I used to do work work (paying work) pretty much seven days a week. But at some point in recent history I decided to create some boundaries, and now I generally only do paying work during the range of Monday through Friday. But then the weekends have been filled with too much non-paying work, such as bill paying, all the laundry, lots of errands, and other kinds of things. This leaves me with no actual guilt-free rest/relaxation/recovery time.

So, as part of my plan for 2024, I’m hoping to actually take a day a week (Sunday? Because it’s convenient, not for other reasons.) to do nothing, or to do things I want to do. The key, though, will be to not fill the other days with what I have been doing Sundays, because I’ve learned from experience that that will merely wear me out, and make me unable to enjoy the day off. The key will be to cut back overall, so that I have 1/7th less stuff to do.

We’ll see if it works. We’ll see if it sticks. But I need a day of rest on a regular basis. Something has to give.

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