It’s interesting how not-universal (yet semi-universal) the game “Marco! Polo!” is. I am not sure it pre-dated my generation (Gen-X), at least in the United States. And maybe people who didn’t live around swimming pools didn’t have experience with it. But when I was a kid, we lived in Tucson, and practically lived in the swimming pool for half the year (where we rented, our complex had a couple of great pools) and sometimes played it. I don’t know where my sister and I learned about the game “Marco! Polo!” as opposed to the person, because we obviously didn’t invent it. But maybe a friend who was staying over taught us, or I learned from another friend who had access to a pool (a few of my friends’ parents had money, and they had their own private pools!).

It’s a fun game that reminds me of my childhood (in a good way) and of my generation.

(Though there was also a documentary about Marco Polo when I was a kid, that, in retrospect, probably shared a lot of incorrect information.)

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