Woman Writing by Zabitz

One of my jobs is as Editor-in-Chief of GeekMom.com. As part of that, I, along with most of the GeekMom/GeekDad editors, schedule posts on assigned days. My assigned days are scheduling on Monday for Tuesday’s posts, which include a usually-very-long list of DC Comics recaps by Ray Goldfield, who is an amazing writer and seems to be a really nice person.

But here’s the weird part. Even though I’m totally not into DC comics (or Marvel, for that matter), reading through Ray’s posts make me want to write a lot of fiction. I have so many story and writing ideas that were sparked while reading the posts, even though what I came up with really doesn’t relate to the posts at all. Usually there’s something mentioned in the post that makes me think of something else, which opens up a whole story idea and I write it down. And reading about content made by people whose jobs are to write, draw, and be creative remind me that that is another path I could take. (One that I hope to take when our lives are a little less in transition.)

I rarely go back to these ideas and turn them into longer stories, but I do hope to one day. I’d love to wrap up enough other projects to write collections of short stories, probably.

But my brain is really good at making connections and being inspired by other people’s ideas in a way that allows me to generate completely new ideas. I love it.

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