I recently got to review the Apple Arcade app Hello Kitty Island Adventure, and I’m really loving it. I haven’t been this driven to play a game since Animal Crossing. Maybe because I’ve loved Hello Kitty and Sanrio characters since I was probably 8 or 9.

The game is actually kind of a cross between Animal Crossing and a game like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The island is big, there are a lot of hidden areas, so many quests, a huge array of friends to make, and clothes to wear (though not nearly as many as in Animal Crossing), along with a few frustrating aspects. But the tutorials online are helping me through those stages that aren’t fun for me, and I love just wandering around the island, seeing what I can see.

And all the Gudetama photos! I may hate eggs, but Gudetama is totes adorbs.

I end up looking forward to playing after I’m done working for the day, which is great, but it’s also keeping me from the creative pursuits that I also want to do! But, I might as well keep playing while I’m enjoying it. This kind of enjoyment is hard for me to find in a videogame, so I guess I’ll be here playing for a while.

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