I want to spend more time sewing. But I rarely make the time.

Another quote from my “Inspiration” tag in Day One. And, yes, yet another thing from James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. He’s a font of helpful quotable content.

“The myth is that there isn’t enough time. There is plenty of time. There isn’t enough focus with the time you have. You win by directing your attention toward better things.”

Time, money, having a manageable amount of things… All three of those, to a certain extent, can be looked at in the same way. It’s not just that you need more of them. You also may need to redirect what you have, in the first two cases, and you may need to pare down what you have to make use of the others in the third case.

But back to time. Of course most of us would like to have more time in our lives. But it’s sometimes our fault for filling it up as we do. Sometimes not, because capitalism is a bitch. As is the patriarchy. But most of us make choices that fill up our time when we could be making other choices. If our choices aren’t satisfying our life’s needs, perhaps shift those choices. Do less of one thing and more of another.

I know I do optional things that help me make progress toward one goal (like these daily blog entries) that take time away from other goals (being creative in other ways, such as sewing).

I spend time scrolling through Facebook in order to feel more connected to friends, family, community, and the world. But that takes time away from, say, tidying up.

I save things for “some day” without making a plan for when that “some day” will arrive.

Pay attention to how you spend your time and decide if you’re allocating your efforts in the best way for you. This is a great reminder for me as well. I definitely need to do more things for me, which I’m trying to make happen this Year of Being 50. I’m having some success and some not-success.

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