
I’ve been working at home for many years now. Even before I had my first child, I managed to have a job that allowed me to work at home. (Quite convenient when I was pregnant, let me tell you.) I love the freedom and flexibility it affords me. There are some drawbacks (work/life balance? clocking out? foreign concepts), but by far, the good outweighs the bad. Here are ten good reasons to work at home.


Photo: Public Domain

Photo: Public Domain

10 Reasons to Work at Home

    1. The food in the kitchen is to your liking. Eat or cook your own food. This also saves money and calories, and you end up getting what you want.
    2. Set your own schedule. Depending on your work-at-home job, you can sleep in. Stay up late. Nap. Whatever works best for you.
    3. Fit work around your life, not the other way around. Have an appointment? Just work a little late that night. Grocery store less busy during the day? Take advantage of it.
    4. It’s portable. You can often bring your work out with you in the world. Answer some emails while you wait for the dentist. Write an article while your child is in a book club.
    5. There is no dress code. Wear what you like, or nothing at all. Or just stay in your PJs.
    6. Cat companions. Your cats will be your cuddliest, most devoted, and most annoying companions. But you know you love them.
    7. Great for self-starters. Working at home is perfect for people who don’t need an external push to do their work. Thus, it’s not for everyone, but it’s perfect for me.
    8. No coworkers. You won’t have to put up with someone’s burned microwave popcorn or smelly lunch. You also don’t have to listen to others’ objectionable conversations or long-winded stories when you’re trying to get work done.
    9. Perfect for introverts. When you don’t always want to be talking to someone, especially someone not in your family, working at home is perfect. You can save those awkward social interactions for your off time.

You can be there for others. Since your schedule is flexible, you can be there for your kids and your friends and family when they need you.


Photo: Public Domain

Photo: Public Domain

There are some side disadvantages that do need highlighting.

  1. You’re always at work. You can sometimes lose the balance between working hours and non-working hours, especially when you’ve done other activities or errands during the day.
  2. People think you’re always available for socializing or to help them. Friends will just drop by and take an hour out of your day, since you’re home anyway.

All in all, working at home is the best work situation in the world, as far as I’m concerned. I prefer it to be punctuated with meeting up with coworkers once or twice a year, but that isn’t always possible. It generally still works well, though, because of the internet. Someone is always there to talk to if you need it.