OlioIn my feed reader, Feedly, I have a bunch of webcomics and blogs. My list of webcomics is pretty long, and so will have to be another post altogether. This time, I’ll just focus on my favorite blogs to read.

Image: Public Domain

Image: Public Domain

  1. Mental Floss. This is one I love so much that I had to take it OFF of my feed reader because I wanted to read ALL THE THINGS. I still follow them on Facebook, and end up reading at least half of their articles. I always learn something interesting. Plus, they put together books. I love books.
  2. Hyperbole and a Half. Allie Brosh has mostly been absent in recent years, taking care of her own needs, but this blog still ranks up there as possibly my all time favorite blog. She’s hilarious, touching, raw, silly, and honest. She also put some of her posts into a book. Plus she has another book coming out this fall!
  3. Brain Pickings. My friend Lauren told everyone on Facebook about this blog a few years ago. Its never ending supply of fascinating topics and things that make me think keeps this one on my list.
  4. The Bloggess. Similar to Allie Brosh but with fewer images, The Bloggess, Jenny Lawson, has created a community of similarly weird and mental health-related folks. And she wrote some books. Hmmm… There’s a trend here.
  5. Wee Wonderfuls. All the cute. If you love sewing and dolls and little accoutrements, check out this blog. It inspires me every time I read it. And if you like her patterns, you can buy her book, though this one is more hands on than the previous books listed.
  6. The Oatmeal. Here, Matthew Inman puts a lot of our feelings into words and sometimes inappropriate illustrations. He’s hilarious, and he’s a force to be reckoned with. More can be found in his books, as well. Wow, didn’t realize just how many of my favorite blogs have books, too.

There are other amazing blogs out there, but these are the ones I read these days. Perhaps I’ll do a Part 2 to this post later on, as I discover more blogs. Can anyone recommend intriguing and amusing American History blogs? Most of the ones I find are either not in depth enough or are so dry you need a glass of milk.
