Rain at Dordrecht by George Charles Aid

Normally this would be the last day of my being 50, but I got a Leap Year, woo! So, one extra day before the age calendar clicks over. Leap Year has given me an extension.

I’m not going to really miss doing these blog posts, because they often feel like an obligation, even though I’m usually glad I’ve done them. Still, I’ll be able to come back here and write whenever I like, since it’s my own website, after all. Maybe I’ll do this again when I’m 60! Maybe.

But, for now, I’m looking forward to recapturing 10-20 minutes per day to do something else. Perhaps another project, but more likely nothing specific, since we have so much on our plate from now through Summer. And then I’ll be focusing on getting my next book published, and then we will be planning our next steps for after Kid #2 graduates from college in 2025. A big move likely at that point, which will take a lot of logistics, if a lot less packing than this upcoming move (because we won’t be unpacking half our things). But I haven’t done a non-local move since 2002, and am a bit rusty about all that a cross-country move entails. Not to mention I’m already upset about the prospect of leaving the state where most of my family is, some good friends, and my favorite dentist in the world.

So, one more day. Then another birthday. Another year older. I still don’t feel like I’m 50. How will I possibly feel 51?

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