Your life through the eyes of a child (you, you’re the child).

My amazing 8th grade English teacher gave us an assignment to write an autobiography. She assigned it early in the year and gave us most of the year to work on it. It was a big project, since we needed to write about our life up to that point, plus 20 years into the future, imagining the choices we’d make.

I came across it recently, and read through it. The astute observations I made, and the way I worded them, about my life up to that point, were incredible. I was sharp and observant, and had opinions, let me tell you. None of that surprises me, really, but it’s nice to have evidence, and to enjoy my 13-to-14-year-old mind.

What did surprise me, though, was that I felt comfortable writing it all in an assignment for my teacher to read. I’m sure she told us that it would be private, that she’d be the only one to read them, but I put myself out there in my words in a way that I never felt safe or comfortable doing in school.

I wish I’d had my kids do this in homeschooling, but I’m not sure they would have really embraced it like I did.

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