Year of Being 50: Day 343: Changing Television Habits
We barely need a television anymore. I never thought I’d see this day.
As we’re packing up things to move, and considering what we own and what we no longer use, my thoughts often wander to the three televisions we inherited from various other people. One we occasional use for family movie viewings, but my family’s viewing needs vary widely, so we don’t really do that anymore. One we use for videogames, sometimes (mostly the kid in college). The other we don’t use at all.
So, do we even need a television? We probably sorta kinda need one, but certainly not three, since we consume TV and movies mostly on our own personal devices. (Wow, times have changed since I was obsessed with my Tivo.) So, I’m guessing we’ll pick the best one, or the one that can handle playing DVDs, streaming, and videogames, and get rid of the other two.
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