My whole adult life I’ve struggled to find the right sized purse for my needs. My needs have changed over time, eventually forcing me to carry a diaper bag, and then to a purse that had room for extra drinks and snacks, and then back down to just my own needs. But my needs have always included wanting to carry something not-big, but also needing at least one extra pair of glasses with me (if not more than one, for reasons).

So I’ve ended up with a lot of purses that work great for certain situations, but not others. Or things that can double as an overnight bag in a pinch, but are still technically purses. Or tiny little things that are great if you go out dancing, but hold very little and need to then be put into something larger so you can have your full complement of tools and supplies.

I prefer to just set-it-and-forget-it with things, so I tend to get set up with one purse and carry it around for months. Until something drives me to switch to another purse, usually one I already have but moved away from for previous reasons.

I have yet to find one that’s perfect for even most situations. They’re usually too big or too small. Or they are the wrong form factor. I often think I should just sew my own, but I like my purses to be waterproof or water-resistant, and those materials are harder to sew with.

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