I’d love a house like this, but doubt I’d want to inherit all of its old house issues.

So, we will be moving out of this house after having lived here for seven years. But I think about other people I know, including some family members, who lived in their houses for decades before moving.

You become so entrenched in a space over time that you don’t always rethink how you interact with it, or what you store where. Or what you place where. But these houses aren’t always a mess. In fact, often they aren’t. So do these people just have periodic spring cleaning events where they go through the whole house and clean, tidy, purge, and rearrange?

As an adult, I’ve always wanted to do this each spring, but have never lived with people willing to participate in such a large project. Perhaps we’ll manage it in a future home, knowing going in that that would be the plan. Hmm… How do I make this happen, knowing I can’t do it all myself?

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