One of my favorite things is being immersed in a period of American history. My degree is in American Studies for a reason—I just really love learning about how people actually lived during times in our country’s past. (And also a few other pieces of the world’s history, such as Regency England…)

This explains part of why I love researching my own family history so much. It’s all the joys of American history plus a personal connection to the people and times and places that I’m learning about.

One of the things “they” say to think about when you think about where your passions lie, and (sometimes) maybe about what you should do for a living, is: where do you lose time? What are you so excited about that you just dive in and don’t come up for air for hours?

For me, one of the few things like that is history, especially my family history.

I have some ideas about how to turn this into paying work, but I don’t have the time to spare right now for the focus that it will require to develop it. Maybe in a few years. But it would basically be my dream job.

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