I’m not a minimalist, but I really need less clutter to be around than I currently have. And, yes, it’s mostly my own doing.

They don’t build houses with a lot of storage spaces most of the time. I’d say “anymore,” but lots of old houses have even less storage space than some modern ones.

So, what’s a gal to do when she wants to keep things (for a variety of reasons) but not look at them all the time?

We currently live in a house that has sufficient storage for any family of four who doesn’t have a lot of hobbies that require materials or tools. But, other than Kid #2, we all have hobbies that require materials and tools that take up a fair amount of space. Rory’s and my closet is more than 50% hobby stuff (crafts, LEGO, etc.). Not so many clothes. My daughter’s closet is an even smaller percentage of clothes.

And yet our bedroom and living area are far too full of stuff, and this visual clutter stresses me out. I always feel better after organizing stuff or purging things, but getting myself to do it in the first place is an uphill battle. And then we run out of places to put the things we want to keep.

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