A winter sprite! I love this card.

Long ago, pre-internet, I used to send out annual Christmas/Holiday/End-of-Year cards. I sent them to all my family, and to a number of friends. Maybe 30-40 people?

I got a bunch of cards in return. Not quite as many as I sent out, but usually at least 20.

Since the social internet, especially places like Facebook that make it easy to stay up to date with family, so many correspondents have fallen off. People just don’t write letters anymore, either, so cards, letters, envelopes, stamps… they just aren’t happening. As the old guard dies off, the new generations mostly aren’t picking up the habit.

I stopped sending out my cards because it just got too expensive and I couldn’t afford it anymore (and postage just keeps going up and up and up).


I do still get a handful of holiday cards/letters each year, and I reply to each and every one of them. In January. Often on my typewriter.

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