So much is available at our fingertips these days. Especially if you’re not looking for a particular movie or show to watch, or a particular song to listen to. Sure, lots are available, and what you want might be on a streaming service. You might even be able to “buy” a digital copy (which is sometimes just purchasing a license, which can disappear if Terms of Service change). But if you want control over when you can listen to your favorite (obscure) song or watch your favorite movie or show, then you really must own the physical media.

While we’ve purged quite a lot of CDs and DVDs, I still have CDs for more obscure bands and compilations, and DVDs for favorite movies and miniseries (hello, Jane Austen). I don’t want to be at the mercy of what streaming services offer when I want to partake of my favorite must-haves. Fortunately, some of the older movies that aren’t free on streaming are often very inexpensive on DVD, so that’s been an option when I’ve been desperate to watch a movie I haven’t seen in a long time, especially one I know I’ll want to rewatch.

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