Building on yesterday’s post

One of the problems with being a generalist/Renaissance Soul/Scanner/whatnot is that you don’t have deep expertise in any one area. Sure, my experience is broad, and I can make connections among seemingly disparate bits of information. But someone has to recognize that, value that, and need that, to want to hire me to do anything. This doesn’t happen very often. And it never comes with benefits, like paid days off or health insurance.

I can find patterns in information. I can read between the lines. I can stuff envelopes. I can do math. I can (usually) write clearly. I can break things down into individual steps. I can find proofreading errors. I can tell you what’s wrong with your plan. I can Tetris a car or moving truck. I can tell when someone is off about someone. I can follow instructions. I can throw things in the trash from across the room. I can complete logic puzzles. I can discuss Jane Austen and the Regency era. I can sew and crochet. I can raise and homeschool amazing, neurodivergent kids. And, for most of these things, I can do them very well. But I’m not sure where the job is that uses more than a couple of these skills at once.

I do have (part time, contract) work for now, but I don’t qualify for most non-entry-level jobs because they require deeper knowledge and experience than I have. And they require full-time commitments, which I just can’t do.

I haven’t figured out how or where to leverage my particular random skill set and experience for profit. I’m open to ideas.

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