We recently got back from a two-week-long road trip to the Pacific Northwest. The ultimate purpose was to retrieve some of my dad’s things (he died back in February), but we made a longer family adventure of it. Some parts were very arduous (the one long driving day at the beginning and the two long driving days at the end, especially), but we have some good memories and the kids got to see a part of the country they’d never seen before.

Some of the photos from these posts will have been taken by Rory or one of my kids and not me. Collectively, we got a huge number of cloud photos, among other things.

On Day 1, we drove out to the Bay Area and basically collapsed. We didn’t do much or see much (other than scenery from the road) on this day, but we got to spend a little time with a friend I had never knowingly met before, which was lovely. We talked about science for like an hour and a half. Like you do.

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