Year of Being 50: Day 364: Reminded of All My Cool Things

Window Seat by Francis Melville. This might as well be aging-me, sitting with yet another favorite thing I rediscovered.
One advantage of packing up everything you own is that you’re reminded of all of the cool stuff you have. It’s a cool refresher, and a great nudge to make use of or experience more of your own possessions.
It’s one of those things, though, that if you just have a few toys, you play with those toys all the time. But if you have like 100 toys, you forget some exist and your decision fatigue about which one to spend time with keeps you from choosing any at all.
It’s not that I buy or acquire things all the time, it’s that I rarely get rid of anything that’s special or important to me. So, being 50-almost-51, it has just accumulated.
So I’m expressing my gratitude for this opportunity of a reminder of all my cool stuff, and I hope to mix it up a bit after the next move or two, to spend time with different things going forward.
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