Rain Bellagio by George Elbert Burr

With only about ten more days to go in my Year of Being 50, I have to consider whether this project has been worth the effort.

I promised myself that I’d do it for a year, and I know I’ll make it. But have I gotten enough out of it? I think yes, but it’s not something I’d want to keep doing, year after year.

I was hoping to collect a snapshot in time of things I felt like writing about or deemed worthy of noting. I wanted to get in the habit of writing blog posts here. I wanted to see if this effort broadened my audience at all.

I was successful in capturing a snapshot in time. I was successful in getting into the blog-writing habit (we’ll see how that translates to the future, though). But I don’t think it broadened my audience.

So I think this project was mostly just for me, and not really useful in any career-building way. People don’t just stumble upon you very often anymore. You have to do active marketing. Which I’m not great at and hate doing. When I get my book published, I’ll spread the word, but without something specific to talk about, I’m just me here, and only people who really know me know what I have to offer beyond what they read.

As usual, if you want to support my efforts at this blog, please consider buying your Amazon purchases through this affiliate link where I receive some financial benefit. Or go right to the source and send me money through PayPal. No pressure, though.