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Though I often extol the virtues of SkillShare (partly because I have a couple of classes on there, but partly because there is just so much quality content), it is entirely possible to learn a great deal of stuff online for free. You can sign up for free mini-classes by people wanting to sell their longer classes. You can find people on YouTube demonstrating or explaining what you want to learn. There are books and other resources through your local library, and through countless websites all over the internet, from universities to non-profits to people sharing their passion projects.

So don’t let a lack of money stop you from learning things. (I sure haven’t.) Money may sometimes get you the fastest and best way to learn something, but there are indeed many other ways.

As usual, if you want to support my efforts at this blog, please consider buying your Amazon purchases through this affiliate link where I receive some financial benefit. Or go right to the source and send me money through PayPal. No pressure, though.