I’d prefer to have a few more days like this before spring arrives.

I want to bundle up! It’s not happening, though.

Despite two or three decent showings of snow, and a few genuinely frigid nights (single digits (F), anyone?), our winter hasn’t been very cold this year. It seems like half of it had highs in the upper 50s or even low 60s, which seems warm for this area. (It is often that warm in winter here, but not always ongoingly.) We’ve had more wind than usual, too.

This doesn’t seem like just a northern Arizona thing, though. I’ve checked the weather in other parts of the country, parts known for being cold in winter. And they’ve had unusually warm stretches too. I hope that doesn’t mean we’re in for an extra-hot summer, but we’ll see.

I prefer having winters long enough and cold enough that I get sick of them before they’re over, but that’s not happening this year.

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