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I absolutely adore learning new things (that are of interest to me). But applying what I learn is a lot more arduous. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

But I wish it were possible to be paid to just learn. Not to then turn that learning into a paper, or published research, or a video or audio thing. Just… learning. (Unless it’s a handicraft, then I’m happy to turn it into a physical or digital item, depending on the craft.)

But me learning anything new doesn’t benefit very many people, so it’s pretty unlikely for this to be a profitable endeavor. It’s just meaningful to me.

If I’m wrong, though, links to support me are below. If you make particular requests for me to learn something specific, I’ll even report back to you with some interesting things I found, in an unstructured way.

As usual, if you want to support my efforts at this blog, please consider buying your Amazon purchases through this affiliate link where I receive some financial benefit. Or go right to the source and send me money through PayPal. No pressure, though.