We don’t have anything this fancy, but I wouldn’t turn it down either. (Though the cats would.. enjoy.. the fringe a bit too much.)

Apologies to the Cat Distribution System coiners (whoever they are—this is a term I’ve only come across in recent months, but it’s perfect), but I’m here to comment on the Stuff Distribution System (coined by me just now?) that shows up when you have friends or family who are moving, downsizing, or just making changes in their lives.

So many people I know haven’t ever bought televisions, or haven’t for a long time. I think I’ve only ever bought one, and that was back in the 1990s, a hefty CRT that worked great, until years later everything turned red. Every TV I’ve had since then was a hand-me-down from people either moving or upgrading.

Furniture is this way too. We’ve ended up with some amazing pieces of furniture, just because someone else didn’t want them anymore. And books. And albums. And wall hangings. And desks. And clothing.

We’ve done our fair share of the sharing as well, giving all kinds of things we didn’t want or need anymore to people who would really benefit from receiving them. And I’m sure we’ll do this once again this summer when we move, and again the next time we move.

If you don’t need very specific things, the Stuff Distribution System often provides. Thank you, universe. I’m very grateful.

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