I don’t often allow myself to not think or worry about life or my responsibilities, but for my birthday and Mother’s Day each year (or when I have a migraine bad enough to send me to bed, but those days I can’t enjoy the break), I allow myself to really truly be in the moment and let everything else go. (Yes, I realize I should do this more often.)

On my 50th birthday, I experienced joy, immersing myself in scanning family photos, interacting with my family, and basking in the friendship and love from so many Facebook friends and people who texted me.

I felt lighter, somehow. Carefree. Like I knew that now that I was “over the hill,” this would allow me to have a second childhood. A lighter, freer time. Or a series of “gap years” (or “gap moments” or “gap days”) where I could just do what I wanted and explore wherever my mind took me.

I can feel this next chapter come on, and I like what I’m feeling. I ended my birthday feeling pretty good, and that’s how I feel when I spend time doing things that I really enjoy.

Yes, I see that this should be driving home the message of taking more time for myself. This isn’t lost on me. I’m hoping to make this happen for myself a lot more in the coming year.

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