Year of Being 50: Day 346: Temporarily Living with Less

Being on the water always feels freeing, like a simplified life, leaving clutter and demands behind. Criccieth, N. Wales, 1899 by George Elbert Burr
I’m actually looking forward to however our life is going to look at our next place, as we leave our boxes labeled “C” packed up and either piled in the corner (or multiple corners) or crammed into a storage facility. We will be living our life with a subset of our things, the things we use on a day-to-day basis and the things we want immediate access to. Fewer things to deal with, fewer things to clean around, fewer things to keep the cats out of.
When we then move again and open up the “C” boxes, my hope is that it will be a combination of, “Oh, yay, I forgot about that!” and “Oh, I really didn’t need to keep that.” But, knowing me, it’ll be considerably more of the former than the latter. I just worry we will pack something away in a “C” box and then need it, or somehow a “B” box will get mixed up with the “C”s and we’ll desperately be searching for it. Hopefully all my planning will help us avoid those scenarios.
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