Year of Being 50: Day 331: Time Capsules

The 1965 Westinghouse Time Capsule, a great example of what people decide to save. (Image is Public Domain from Wikipedia.)
As long as I’ve known about the concept, I’ve been enthralled with time capsules. Capturing not only things from a certain time and looking at them later, but also noticing what the people that made the time capsule deemed important at the time to include… It’s very telling of an era or event or group of people.
A lot of times there are things like newspapers, photos, memorabilia (especially if it’s to commemorate the building of a building or observance of an event), and other items. Then it’s all stored in a usually-metal container and buried somewhere (or hidden?) with a reminder placed (somewhere) to open it after a certain period of time has passed. Everything inside is usually dirty and degraded somewhat, but no less fascinating.
I’m hoping that this year of blog posts will serve a bit as a time capsule, more to capture this time in my life than this time in the world, but also that too. I hope to be able to look back on it and be interested in what I decided to write about or note. I’ll export it sometime after my birthday to make sure I have a copy saved locally.
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