Year of Being 50: Day 306: One-Year Anniversary of My Dad’s Death

There is no eternal resting place for my dad, but he wouldn’t have wanted to be a burden on the Earth anyway.
I love you even though you were complicated, Dad.
Today is the one year anniversary of my dad’s death. I see so many people on social media who have lost parents and other loved ones, and they’re very saddened by this. Which is only right, if the person was special to you.
But, I still don’t know how to feel about my dad dying. We knew it was coming—both by knowing it would eventually happen when he started having health issues years and years ago, and in the last 6-12 months when his health deteriorated faster—so we were able to mentally prepare for it.
But, as for emotional preparedness, I’m not sure anything was required. My dad was very closed off.
I have more to say about this, and I’ve written more paragraphs, but I am still processing it, so it’ll have to wait. I know I was prepared for his death, but there are still all sorts of thoughts to have after the fact.
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